Saturday, September 8, 2018

Week One is Done; On to Week Two

Well, we made it through week one and survived the chaos, so I count it as a success!  All students who were in school on Friday should have received their Chromebooks.  I suggested that they take some time this weekend to play around with them and figure out how they operate, focusing on things like drop down menus and settings buttons.  On Monday we're going to pick up with setting things up on them, and then we'll move forward into curriculum.

What did we accomplish last week?  Basically we established protocols for how the class operates; we learned how to use a video system called Flipgrid and made introductory videos and watched some of them; we received the Chromebooks.  Friday was a little nuts because 1st Hour didn't have them yet, so they did one thing; then 2nd Hour had half of them, so it was a little different from 1st Hour; then 3rd through 5th Hours all had them, so they did something completely different from the morning hours.  All in all, it was chaotic but interesting, and now we're ready to have everyone on the same page and can start the curriculum.

All students should have turned in the Parent Letters and have the Flipgrid videos done (except for two people in 5th Hour) and the grades are in HAC.  Half of the groups have the literary terms pretest complete and the grades are in; the other half are blanks because we'll finish it on Monday.

So here's what's coming this week:

English 9

  • Monday, 9/10 - we'll finish setting up the Chromebooks for gmail and calendars; we'll finish the literary terms pre-test.
  • Tuesday, 9/11 - Academic/Homecoming Advisory - we'll start the Prepositions unit; introduction into Romeo and Juliet - activity on Google Classroom
  • Wednesday, 9/12 - prepositions; continue Romeo and Juliet introduction activity
  • Thursday, 9/13 - Homecoming Advisory - prepositions; last day to work on Romeo and Juliet introduction activity in class - due Monday, 9/17.
  • Friday, 9/14 - Get Reading Log #1; visit the library if needed; silent reading
English 10
  • Monday, 9/10 - finish setting up the Chromebooks for gmail and calendars; finish introduction of Passion Project; start introductory activity for Animal Farm on Google Classroom.
  • Tuesday, 9/11 - Academic/Homecoming Advisory - we'll start the Verb Unit; Animal Farm introductory activity
  • Wednesday, 9/12 - Verbs; last day for Animal Farm introductory activity in class - due Monday, 9/17.
  • Thursday, 9/13 - Homecoming Advisory - Verbs; 10% Summary over article on power
  • Friday, 9/14 - Passion Project - check in topics; form groups; work on research techniques; find an article about your topic and download it to read for the next Friday.
That is the plan.  As in life, plans often change, so if you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I hope everyone has a great week!

Creative Commons License
Week One is Done; On to Week Twoby Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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