Saturday, September 15, 2018

On to Week Three!

It's now been two weeks, my annual cold is raging, and it feels like summer was a long time ago.  The good part of it all is that I'm getting to know my new students and I'm really enjoying them, and we're beginning to settle into routine. 

Last week we were able to explore the digital platforms I'm expecting to use all year - Google Keep, Docs, Drawings, Slides, Calendars, Classroom, YouTube Videos for Information; you name it, we used it.  Both classes were doing explorations for background information for their books. Here's a picture from 1st Hour, working away on their Chromebooks:

 Both groups have homework coming due quickly, so to make sure everyone is on the same page:
  • English 9 and 10 - Online Tic-Tac-Toe Project (on Google Classroom) is due by midnight Monday night.
  • English 9 - they got their first reading log which needs to be signed by a parent Wednesday night and turned in on Thursday.
So here is what is coming up this week:

English 9
  • Monday, 9/17 - preposition packet #1; they'll have time to work on the Tic-Tac-Toe Project
  • Tuesday, 9/18 - Academic Advisory - prepositions; finish preview info for Romeo and Juliet;  start the Prologue for Act I
  • Wednesday, 9/19 - prepositions; Romeo and Juliet Act I, scene i
  • Thursday, 9/20 - Homecoming Advisory - Reading Log #1 is due! Prepositions; Romeo and Juliet Act I, scene i
  • Friday, 9/21 - get Reading Log #2; silent reading day
English 10
  • Monday, 9/17 - verb packet #2; 10% Summary; questions on Google Classroom due Tuesday
  • Tuesday, 9/18 - Academic Advisory - verbs; finish preview information for Animal Farm; get Chapter 1/2 packet; read chapter 1 of Animal Farm and do question on Google Classroom
  • Wednesday, 9/19 - verbs; discuss Chapter 1 and the topic of Revolution; read Chapter 2 of Animal Farm; quiz Thursday
  • Thursday, 9/20 - Homecoming Advisory - quiz for Chapters 1/2; read Chapter 3 for Monday
  • Friday, 9/21 - Passion Project Friday - solidify topic; set up for note taking and a Works Cited; use article to start the process
That's my basic plan.  Please feel free to contact me if you need more information or clarification.  I hope everyone has had a great start to the school year!

Creative Commons License
On to Week Three! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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