Saturday, October 13, 2018

October Colors are Here

I love October.  I know the weather goes up and down, but the cool nights and the leaves changing color just warms my heart.  When I'm stressed out, I like to go take a walk at this time of year, both because the temperature works so well for walking and because the scenery is beautiful.  I just wish I could get out into it more often.

It's a busy time of year for me both professionally and personally, so we're working hard at this point. Let me just say, however, how much I love my students.  They are funny, vivacious, and they definitely keep me on my toes.  We're entering that point in the term, however, where they need a little bit of a kick in the pants to stay with it academically, so I hope everyone is checking HAC often.  With only three weeks to go in the term, everyone needs to stay on top of everything.

In English 9 last week, we finished Act I of Romeo and Juliet and took the first quiz.  Then we started Act II.  This coming week we should be able to finish Act II and play around with the text and have fun with it a bit.  In English 10 we've now read through Chapter 7 of Animal Farm (there are 10 chapters) and taken quizzes.  We're also writing a small research paper, and the rough drafts were due by midnight on Friday.  Final copies will come due this week.

Here's the schedule:

English 9

  • Monday, 10/15 - pass back papers; continue Romeo and Juliet Act II
  • Tuesday, 10/16 - Academic Advisory - prepositions; continue R&J Act II
  • Wednesday, 10/17 - prepositions; finish R&J Act II; Quiz for Act II
  • Thursday, 10/18 - PSAT/SAT Advisory - turn in Reading Log #5;  read R&J Act III, scene i; Flipgrid assignment - acting out a scene
  • Friday, 10/19 - get reading log #6; finish Flipgrid videos; silent reading day
English 10
  • Monday, 10/15 - pass back papers; deal with rough drafts and how to edit/revise them - final copy due Friday by midnight; discuss ch. 7 of Animal Farm; read ch. 8
  • Tuesday, 10/16 - Academic Advisory - verbs; discuss Ch. 8; quiz for ch. 7/8 of AF
  • Wednesday, 10/17 - verbs; read ch. 9/10 of AF
  • Thursday, 10/18 - PSAT/SAT Advisory - discuss ch. 9/10; quiz for 9/10; start Character/Theme Analysis Project
  • Friday, 10/19 - final copy of research paper is due by midnight; go find 2-3 poems that connect to the topic and do Google Slide assignment on Google Classroom
So that's the plan.  I hope everyone has a great week!

Creative Commons License
October Colors are Here by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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