Sunday, February 24, 2019

"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind" W. Shakespeare

The winter weather continues, and I sit and cross my fingers that we have no more snow days.  First, I despise making up days in June (where we all sit and sweat and want to nap instead of paying attention). Second, I'm so worried about getting the 10th graders ready for their Wax Museum Presentations for the night of March 13th.  Our schedule is so tight!  Speaking of, if you're a 10th grade parent - here are the deadlines for this project:

  • Picking the author for the project - Monday, 2/25
  • Work Time for Notes - 2/26-3/1
  • Notes for Research are due by the end of the hour on Friday, 3/1
  • Works Cited and Thesis Statement will be done in class and due on 3/4
  • Outline of the paper is due 3/5
  • Work Time for writing the rough draft will be 3/5-3/6
  • Work Time to build the speech will be 3/7-3/8
  • Rough Drafts of the paper are due 3/11
  • Speeches will be graded IN CLASS on 3/11, 3/12, 3/13
  • Wax Museum Night - dressed up with boards - 3/13 (graded that night)
  • Final Copy of the Paper - due 3/18
In addition to this:
  • Schedules for 11th grade are due, signed and completely filled out by 3/11
  • Scheduling for 11th grade is set to happen on Monday, 3/18
For 10th graders, and 10th grade parents - I'm sorry.  This is a horrific schedule. For parents of 9th graders, if you have a chance to come to the cafeteria the night of March 13th (6:30-8:30), it's a really great way to get a heads up for next year.

Okay - so here's what's on the schedule for this week:

English 9 
  • Monday, 2/25 - Type 1's - commas; do the Act II packet for The Crucible
  • Tuesday, 2/26 - Academic Advisory - Type 1's - commas; quiz for Act II; start Act III
  • Wednesday, 2/27 - Type 1's - commas; read Act III
  • Thursday, 2/28 - PSAT Advisory - Type 1's - commas - turn in for week; read Act III
  • Friday, 3/1 - finish Act III
English 10
  • Monday, 2/25 - Type 1's - apostrophes; read-aloud and turn in final paragraph for Plath/Sandburg; sign up for author for project; exercise on note taking and keeping track of sources
  • Tuesday, 2/26 - Academic Advisory - Type 1's - apostrophes; quiz over 4 Authors and poems (Google Classroom); take notes - personal information
  • Wednesday, 2/27 - Type 1's - apostrophes; take notes - emphasis on economic information
  • Thursday, 2/28 - PSAT Advisory - Type 1's - apostrophes - turn in for week; take notes - emphasis on political information
  • Friday, 3/1 - quiz for apostrophes; take notes - emphasis on societal information; 30 notes due by end of the hour
That's the plan for the week.  I hope everyone has a great Sunday, and if you need me, you know how to find me.  Ciao!

Creative Commons License
"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind" W. Shakespeare by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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