Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Post-Thanksgiving!

Can you believe Thanksgiving is already over?  It's one of my favorite holidays because it's just about getting together with friends and family, with no pressure for gifts.  Since I hate shopping, it's always a great holiday for me.  Now on to the next holiday, which stresses me out immensely!  Until then, however, we have lots to accomplish.  So here goes -

Last week we only had two days, yet quite a bit was turned in.  So far, I'm caught up on grading through the 11/19 - so quizzes, study guides for Act I, and basic work is all graded.  On Monday they turned in their book projects and on Tuesday they turned in their Mid-unit Assessment Essays.  I'm still working on those, so hopefully by the end of the week, I'll have them graded.

This week we have lots going on, but one of my main goals is to finish reading Romeo and Juliet through Act III.  Here's what's on deck:
  • Monday - we have a small group activity, then we'll finish reading Act II
  • Tuesday - quiz over Act II - turn in study guide; rhythm activities; watch Act III, Scene i on video
  • Wednesday - read Act III, scene ii and analyze tension and Juliet's first soliloquy
  • Thursday - analyze Act III by comparing a film clip to a visual print
  • Friday - finish Act III reading and discussion
So that's the plan.  I'm hoping we can stick to it so that we can finish the play before Christmas!  That would be nice. 

I hope everyone has a great week going back to routine.  As always, please contact me if you need me.  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
Happy Post-Thanksgiving! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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