Sunday, November 1, 2015

On to Term Two!

Can you believe that a quarter of our school year is complete?  It went very fast!  Just so everyone is aware, my grades are due on Tuesday.  I have one assignment I'm working on; it will be completed by Monday night (it's writing), and then Term 1 is in the books.  Other than that assignment, the grades are fairly complete.  I have a question or two for a few people on their Google Slide assessment, but other than that, they are as complete as I can get them at this time.  Please remember that Term 1 and Term 2 are combined to form a semester grade, and that is what goes on the transcripts.

So we're getting ready to move forward, and by the end of last week we were working on background information for Shakespeare.  They were using technology for an online Shakespeare scavenger hunt last Thursday, and by the end of this coming week, we should be ready to move into the text of Romeo and Juliet!  Therefore, here's this week's schedule:

  • Monday 
    • Finish Preposition Packet #3 - turn it in
    • We'll go over the scavenger hunt and turn it in
    • They'll work on note-taking skills, taking notes from a powerpoint
  • Tuesday
    • We'll do 1/2 of a Preposition Review packet
    • They'll do a close reading about the Globe Theater and then take an online quiz
    • If time, we'll play some games with Shakespeare's language
  • Wednesday - No School - Teacher P.D.
  • THURSDAY - NO SCHOOL - PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES FROM 12:00-7:15!!!   I hope to see everyone!
  • Friday
    • We'll do the second half of the Preposition Review and turn it in
    • We'll finish the games for Shakespeare's language
    • If time, we'll start the Prologue for Romeo and Juliet
Homework, as always, is to read their independent book.  This term's theme is Science Fiction/Fantasy.  The final project will be due on 11/23.

So that's what's happening.  I hope everyone has a great week, and I hope to see everyone on Thursday!  Ciao!

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