Sunday, November 8, 2015


We're finally on to Romeo and Juliet!  It seems like we've been prepping for this forever!  We've looked at the history of Elizabethan England, looked at Shakespeare's biography (the little that we know of him), and played around with the plot line since (I believe) going in blind just makes the task 100 times more difficult.  Here are many, MANY, MANY pictures I took of their tableaux they made to represent different plot points in the text.  You'll notice lots of death, but there's also love and friendship, too.  They were very funny with this activity.

We also played games with words and pictures.  This is second hour playing as a group.

Phew!  It was a busy day on Friday!  So here's what's coming next:
  • Monday we'll start working on the Act I Prologue, using both Engage NY and establishing notes for the play with characters, settings, conflicts, and literary devices.
  • Tuesday - Preposition Test; we'll continue reading Act I and taking notes
  • Wednesday - We'll use EngageNY to do a close reading of some lines from Act I
  • Thursday - Another close reading of Act I
  • Friday - We'll read through more of Act I and do some vocabulary cards.
It's going to be a busy week with lots of Shakespeare!  I can't wait!  I hope everyone has a good week.  Ciao!
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Shakespeare! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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