Sunday, November 15, 2015

We're Working Hard, Now!

Good morning!  What a busy weekend this is, and what beautiful weather for it!  I'm so glad I graded a bunch of papers last week and got them entered, because all of my plans for grading this weekend have gone out the window.  Friday night I went with my son to see his high school's production of Grease, which was fabulous!  I love seeing kids I've known for years grow up and do things like sing, dance, act, play sports; it's the fun part of life, isn't it?  Saturday morning I got roped into scoring and filling out ribbons for my younger son's gymnastics demonstration.  Then I got roped into doing the same for the next two groups.  I really had not planned to spend five hours there, but when you love your kids you'll do anything for them, right?  Of course, we had all the grandparents at the house, and so we had to do dinner before all going to the boys' soccer games last night, so that was the end of Saturday.  Today I'm managing to take a few minutes writing this blog before heading off to Lansing for a family wedding shower and then a trip to Sparrow Hospital to visit my sister who is having a serious medical issue.  In other words, I will try to get some papers graded today, but no promises.  I haven't even managed to grocery shop or do laundry!

Anyway, here's what we did last week.  We finally started Romeo and Juliet and have read, watched, and dissected Act I, Scene i.  They wrote three paragraphs using quotes and citations, annotating the text as they went.  They also did 10 vocabulary cards, picking words from their annotations.

This week, here's what we've got:

  • We'll read the rest of Act I, continuing with study guides, notes, and writings
  • There will be a quiz at the end of Act I - they will be allowed to use notes
  • We will analyze the language and do some kinesthetic activities to help with comprehension
  • We'll try to read through Act II, scene ii, with notes and study guide by the end of the week.
In the meantime, I'm trying to keep the homework limited to the Independent Book Project.  It is due on Monday 11/23 (one week!), so they need to finish reading and work on the project.  We have gone over the directions and options in class, and I've suggested that if they have questions they come get help this week.

So, that's it!  I hope everyone has a fabulous week and enjoys this glorious weather as long as it continues.  Ciao!
Creative Commons License
We're Working Hard, Now! by Laura Stubbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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